Saturday, March 14, 2009

signs of being Drunk

Whooow.. I already ran out of thing to say in my blog. So I’ll just share to you the signs of being drunk based in my experiences..hehehe

• Noticeable extra strength in the upper extremities
You suddenly feel stronger. You don’t understand why but you just can feel it.
• Weakening of lower extremities.
You suddenly find it hard to stand erect.
• Numbness of facial muscle.
You will notice that you are no longer shy..hahaha
• Polyuria
The excessive passage of urine (at least 2.5 liters per day for an adult) resulting in profuse urination and urinary frequency (the need to urinate frequently).
• Talkativeness
Uncontrollable mouth..hehehe
• Vomiting.

if you see a person possessing those signs that i have mentioned, certainly, that person is drunk..

have a good day!

"the hardest part of being a nurse"

There was a time when we were having our class in our Health care RLE, our clinical instructor shared to us her experiences when she was still in the hospital. Her experiences of witnessing dying people took their last breath. She said that it is really hard to look at those people who are dying, especially when you are the one who is taking care of that person for days, weeks, and even months. Of course, because there is already a rapport between you, your patient and your patient’s family. But what makes it even harder, is the fact that as nurse, you should not cry upon seeing you patient die. You must not show sympathy. I ask her why, she answered, it is unethical for us to show sympathy. And she said, “it is the hardest part of being a nurse”, to pretend that your ok while looking your client die.

Cool stuff in my PC

Hey guys, i would like to share with you something. have you heard about "Piclens". PicLens is a free browser plugin that instantly transforms your browser into a full-screen 3D experience for enjoying photos and videos on the web. With one click, PicLens makes your online media come to life via a cinematic presentation that goes beyond the confines of the traditional browser window. this browser is so cool. you don't have to turn the next page when you are serching for photos in google or yahoo and even in friendster.

According to what I have read, the plugin is available for Safari, Firefox, and Internet Exploree. At present, the software is compatible with Google Image Search, YAhoo Image Search, Images, Live Search Images, AOL Images Search, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, Fotki, Fototime, deviantART,SmugMug, Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, hi5, Friendster, Youtube (for videos), and any web site that implements Media RSS tags in their HTML pages. The software places a small icon in the corner of an image thumbnail when the mouse moves over it, which launches into a full-screen photo viewer when clicked, but without giving an option to save any of the pictures shown. Currently, versions are available for Window, Mac and iPhone.

for more info, take a look at this video.

Liquor as an ARTIST???

Every time my mom enters my room, she always goes out with an angry face. He.he Why? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because of the disorganized scenario and the distorted ambience of my room. Hehe actually it is my room but it is my brother and I’s room. And we call it, the men’s room. He.he. My mother keep on telling us, “panglimpyo ragud mong duha! Iarrang ninyu nag tarung inyung kwarto! There should be an art in everything that you do!”. Well, I guess my mother is right..hmm..

One day, when my friends and I went to our tambayan to chill, to relax, and unwind. Then we realized that our next class will be 3 pm for CE, and it is still 12 pm, that means we still have 3 hours to wait. Everybody is bored, so to kill the boredom, we decided to drink just to past our time. Hehe..While we are drinking, I noticed the ice in glass filled with brandy. The ice turned into a mushroom-like shape. Everybody smiled upon seeing the ice. We immediately took pictures of it. Then suddenly I remembered what mom is always telling us, “There should be an art in everything that you do”. Yeah!.

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

TrageDeee in my TANK..

I love fishes, I really do.. as a matter of fact, I have 3 fish tanks at home. Before, I have “marine fish tank” (salt water aquarium). It is so beautiful. Inside it, I have some clown fishes, butterfly fishes, ang some other unique marine fishes which I forgot the names. Hehehe I also have live corals and an anemone that makes the tank looks really great

In the video, you will see black clown fishes (black na nemo”) which are rare. Noticed those long and yellow fishes? Those fishes are realty cool. Every 6 pm, they hide under the sand to sleep. They will stay there for the rest of the night and will just come out during 6 am and will hide again when the clock hits 6 pm. That coral-like, green thing that you see in the video is called “anemone”. That is where clown fishes play, live and reproduce. Yes, it’s alive. It actually moves from one what do anemone eats? They eat small fishes. They do have a mouth at the center, hiden under those hair-like structure that they have.

Owning such kind of tank and such kind of fishes is not easy. It cost alot. Not to mention the equipments, maintenance, plus, marine fishes are really expensive. But it’s nothing. When you see the tank filled with those beautiful fishes, makaingon jud kag “WoW! It’s all worth it”.

One morning, a bad news woke me. Kaila kag niingon akong kuya, “Doy! Mata na kar patay na tanan imong mga isda!”. I immediately ran to see the tank. I almost cried when I saw the tank filled with brown water with my fishes lifelessly floating. The cause of that incident was the anemone. The anemone died and released toxic secretions that poisoned all fishes. Wheeew! Tat was really tragic for me. Lupig pay nabulagan ug uyab.

My friends told me, “Sayanga ato bay uy! Daku nagud kag gasto ato”. But you know what? It’s not really because of the money. I don’t consider it tragic just because it’s monetary cost. It’s actually about the unique feeling of joy that you feel when you have nothing to do, nagtanga lang ka sa atubangan sa aquarium, appreciating the beauty of God’s creation..dude, that’s priceless..